
The benefits of membership in TIAS

The goals of TIAS are to nurture the community of inter-disciplinary scientists, analysts, and practitioners who develop and use integrated assessment techniques and methodologies. The association promotes the advancement of IA, and encourages its wide and wise application. In doing so we stimulate collaboration among the community of scientists and practitioners who undertake Integrated Assessments.

TIAS member benefits include:

  • TIAS Newsletter
  • Invitations to TIAS webinars on topical themes.
  • Access to society’s network and other strategic networks
  • Participation in (online) discussions and working groups
  • Participation in annual meetings and direction-setting
  • Sharing of expertise


Types of Membership


Institutional Member: Standard rate € 200 / US$ 225 / Global South rate € 150 / US$165

Full Individual Member: Standard rate € 50 / US$ 55 /  Global South rate € 35 / US$ 40

Student Member:  Standard €15 / US$ 20 /  Global South rate €10 / US$ 10

 * Annual fee (US$ rates adjusted in November 2016)


To join TIAS as a member, please complete our online membership form.

TIAS has non-profit status in Germany and Netherlands and members in these countries can deduct their membershp fees.